Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day one of 99.99999% unprocessed food is in the hamper! You may be wondering why it's 99.99% and not 100%. Ok, well you see a lot of my recipes, including the one I had last night, has this ingredient called nama hoyu. This is basically the champagne of soy sauces that is completely raw. The other thing it is it's $40 for 8oz. I don't have that kind of money to throw around so I decided to just get plain old organic soy sauce. I know, I know, it has been heated above the 115 degrees I am sure, but sacrifices must be made. Eventually I am sure Nama Hoyu will be in my spice rack, but for now I will need to make due.

Yesterday I went out and bought a crap load of vegetables. They barely fit inside my fridge, but with some duct tape I was able to make the refrigerator door stay closed. I suck at picking vegetables methinks. I have no skill in being able to tell what is ripe, what is not ripe. I am sure I will get better over the next few weeks.
Personally, I don't feel so bad. Yesterday morning I noticed an increase in energy, but I think that was the B12 supplement kicking in. Last night I was pretty tired (and slept like a log) so I am not sure if that is the start of detox or not. I will know more today.
The other thing I have noticed is a weird taste in my mouth. It's hard to describe it but it's almost metallic. Could be part of detox as well, or the Kale I ate yesterday.
Anyway, time to go forth into another day of unprocessed foods!

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